《热力学与统计物理》《研究型实验/近代物理实验》《固体物理》 《大学物理》《新能源技术概论》《应用光伏学》《复合材料》《材料制备新技术》
国家自然科学基金, 61176044,氮化镓/硅纳米异质结构阵列新型近红外发光二极管研究,结项,主要参与人。
1.WANG Xiao-Bo(王小波), LI Yong(李勇), YAN Ling-Ling(闫玲玲), LI Xin-Jian(李新建). Temperature-dependent photoluminescence from GaN/silicon nanoporous pillar array. Chinese physics letters,accepted;
2.Xiao Bo Wang, Yong Li, Ling Ling Yan, Xin Jian Li. Rectification and electroluminescence of nanostructured GaN/Si heterojunction based on silicon nanoporous pillar array. Chinese physics B,submitted;
3.WANG Xiao-Bo(王小波), YAN Ling-Ling(闫玲玲), LI Yong(李勇), LI Xin-Jian(李新建). Time-resolved Photoluminescence study of silicon nanoporous pillar array. Chinese physics letters, submitted;
4.LI Yong(李勇), WANG Xiao-Bo(王小波), FAN Zhi-Qiang(范志强), LI Xin-Jian(李新建). Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence of Silicon Nanoporous Pillar Array,Chinese physics letters, 2014, 31: 047801;
5.LI Yong(李勇), WANG Xiao-Bo(王小波), ZHAO Jin-Chao(赵进超), LI Xin-Jian(李新建). Paths for the Non-radiative Recombination Occurring in CdS:CdO/Si Multi-Interface Nanoheterostructure Array,Chinese physics letters, 2014, 31: 077802;
6.Yong Li, Xiao Bo Wang, Yong Tao Tian, Xin Jian Li. Effect of interface incorporation of cadmium nanocrystallites on the photovoltaic performance of solar cells based on CdS/Si multi-interface nanoheterojunction. Physica E, 2014, 64: 45–50;
7.Ling Ling Yan,Xiao Bo Wang, Xiao Jun Cai, Xin Jian Li, Effect of boron-doping on the luminescent and electrical properties of a CdS/Si heterostructure based on Si nanoporous pillar array, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 632: 450-455;
8.Ling Ling Yan, Xiao Bo Wang, Wei Kang Liu, Xin Jian Li, Effect of boron-doping on the rectification effect and photovoltaic performance of CdS/Si heterostructure based on Si nanoporous pillar array. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Under review。